Now, I know I'm chubby in these pictures (no need to comment one way or the other) but I really wanted to document this event since it's the first time I've preserved since Mom taught me when I was a senior in high school. It's been a blast! The tomatoes I did because they were easy. The peaches because they were readily available. The peach and apple pie filling because of all the things I could preserve, homemade canned peach or apple pie filling just overwhelms a store bought can. No comparison.
These little peaches are from our lovely tree in our back yard. They are incredibly small this year, but I've heard that is fairly normal for peach trees to be big one year (last year) and small the next.
This is Falisha and me pealing, coring and eighthing the apples here. We have a neighbor on the corner that let us use as many as we'd like for free. There's nothing like a little neighborly kindness! PS They will be receiving several quarts of my preserves for their selflessness.
Now they look a little brown from the air, but I kept them lemon juiced and in water to help. Once they hit the pie filling though, they were a perfect site to see!
Our niece Falisha has been absolutely amazing through the canning process. One day she brought over a friend and after I blanched 9 quarts of tomatoes they successfully skinned and halved all of them. The night before she helped me with my peaches. Then tonight she came over and sat herself down to help with the apples. What a blessing to the Dixon Cannery!
The Peach Pie Filling. Looks so good! I had some extra and so I made a little peach crisp to snack on with Falisha.
No words to describe the taste of the peach pie filling passed from Debbie Bolen to my Mom to me, but this picture of Falisha pretty much sums it up!
It all looks great!!! I canned off and on all summer last year and ended up with over a hundered pints of jam and over a hundred quarts of peaches and pears. So I know how much work it is. Pie filling sounds great, maybe I'll do that this year.
yummo. we did tomatoes, but not in the quantity you did! we had some tonight on pasta! it was yummo too, nothing like a real tomatoe for your pasta!
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