Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tooth Fairy

Ty lost his first tooth yesterday! He mentioned to me a few days ago that one of his teeth were loose. I encouraged his to wiggle it often. I have some proud pictures of Ty and his tooth, but won't post them for another two weeks. Hurry up adoption!

Last night Darin and I were painting our master bedroom, and I completely forgot about the Tooth Fairy! This morning, Ty lost his tooth (again), it fell out of the tiny plastic Rubbermaid it was in. I told Tyriq I would try to find it while he was at school. I did, to my eternal relief.

I picked up Ty from Kindergarten and told him that I found his beloved tooth. I asked him if the Tooth Fairy came last night. I asked if he had put the container under his pillow. Thank goodness, he didn't. Easy explanation for me!

It's one of those "mother milestones" that reminds me I'm on the right path, and I love my existence as a beloved wife and mother!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

True Love, some thoughts. . .

It's the truest friend that sticks by you and loves you when no one else will. In your darkest moment when everyone has turned against you, it's the ones that still love you despite your faults, that are the truest of friends. I'm very blessed to have those truest friends in my life. I wouldn't get through it without them!

Our New Home, a few finished areas!

What a dream come true! I absolutely love our new home!

Now is such a good time for us to make this investment. And a great time for anyone to make this investment. In answer to questions regarding how Darin and I, of all people, are able to afford such a thing, I'm inclined to produce my answer: we worked our butts off.

I took on a second job (my first job being a full-time mom), Darin led the war against our debt (mostly credit card) for the better part of a year and a half, and we stocked as much money as we could spare into savings for down payment and closing costs.

We did without Gap and Old Navy clothes for ourselves and our children, shopping instead for $1 items at Wal-Mart and Deseret Industries. I tried very hard not to go into Bath and Body Works or The Body Shop and buy more lotion and soap that we didn't need.

It took discipline and it took doing without. It was especially difficult for me, being the selfish shopper that I am.

We didn't take vacations that were planned. . .staying instead in Utah and camping for free or cheap. We stopped going to movies that weren't at the dollar theater in Provo. We didn't make trips out of state unless it included some kind of a major event ie. death, marriage, birth, harvest ect. . .

So you get the picture. We didn't make a foolish decision and get into something that we can't afford now, or won't be able to in the future. The great thing is that all of the pieces in our life are falling in place. Our home, the adoption of our beloved children on October 13th, and recently my husband was offered a higher paying position that allows me to stay home from Wal-Mart permanently, if I chose. We've been very blessed and we are grateful for the worthier spirits in our lives that have offered up prayers to heaven begging for these things to come to pass. Thank you! We couldn't have done it without you!

Enjoy the pics of the decorated and spotless areas of our home so far. I would send more pics, but it would just be of boxes and clutter!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sookie Stackhouse Adventures: Dead Until Dark ect. . .

After finishing the book, I've decided to withdrawal all of my previous posts. I could stomach the sensuality in the first book, however, the second book, Living Dead in Dalls, just kept building from where DUD left off.

What a disappointment.

Without the ignorant language and Rated R sensual scenes that develop in the last 1/4 of DUD and then continue to get worse in LDID, I would have advertised the Sookie Stackhouse story to no end as the perfect vamp lover tale.

Not sure why Charlaine Harris needed to include the language and smut, but whatever.

Sorry if you've already read it on my suggestion, it just gets worse though. Sorry.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Letting Go

Well Folks,

I've finally let go of all the craziness that has happened to me this past month. I'm totally ready for the future, a thing I've been cringing at for a long time, not unlike a dog that's used to smack for no reason.

But in order to really let go, here's a recap:

July 31st: Van transmission rebuild start.
August 1st: Missed ten year reunion, extremely upset and disappointed.
Later that week: Missed spending time with the Washington Kestners and Dixons b/c I wasn''t in Washington. Words don't even begin to describe the loss I felt.
August 8th: Ruined cell phone by forgetting it was in the back pocket of my board shorts when I went for a dip with Deb's and my kids in the Lazy River at Seven Peaks.
August 10th: Purse stolen out of a church parking lot as I dropped my daughter Rosalie off for a week long camp. 3 hours late to work.
August 10th: Criminal made a fraudulent purchase at a 7/11 for about $25.
August 10th: Criminal made a fraudulent deposit into our account and received $700 back in cash. Didn't find out until 15th.
August 13th: Stress at Wal-Mart. My first migraine, but not the last.
August 14th: Prepared 6 pallets of freight in one day, to be shipped to Orem Wal-Mart (average per week is about 2-3). Worked from 7am on Friday to 2am on Saturday.
August 15th: Went into our bank to change checking account due to fraud, only then finding out about the fraudulent deposit and loss of $700 cash from our account.
August 18th: Although working alone and overtime the week previous, my Wal-Mart supervisor called me at home and let me know that the Co-Manager found three mistakes in my 3 pallets of regular weekly returns and that I must come in and be trained again, for the 3rd time, from 7am to 11am. This meant my children would be placed in daycare, again.
August 18th: Called in sick to Wal-Mart with horrific migraine.
August 23rd: Almost complete emotional breakdown. . .migraine.
August 25th: Didn't close on home. . .migraine.
August 25th: Found out some disturbing and confidential issues with my family. . .migraine.
August 27th: Requested formal leave of absence from Wal-Mart.
August 28th: Didn't close on home. . .migraine.
August 29th: Bought 3 pairs of Dansko shoes for $40 through . .migraine wanes.
September 2nd: Formal breakdown. . .migraines continue half strength.
September 2nd: Darin and I realize our issues are out of our hands. I think Darin knew all along. I put my trust in God once more and feel little stress. I fell in love with Darin all over again for being the rock in my life, thank you God!

Hello there! I'm back! I'm happy and ready to cement my relationship with my husband and children. I've been extremely distant from them for the past month due to stress and emotional issues.

I love my family! I love my life! I am ready to make God proud of me once more. The MVP is back in the game!
