Friday, November 12, 2010

Wow, time flies when you have a breakdown!

This is what we've been up to since my brief psychotic episode. (Yes I'm taking abnormal psychology this semester and have diagnosed myself and most family members with mental illnesses, quite fun actually!)

My Washington trip was a success and helped me discover two important things. Washington's climate sucks. And I'm not the only crazy person in my family!

But jokes aside, the reason for the trip was my EVER so handsome nephew Robel's sealing to his family for time and all eternity in the Portland, Oregon Temple September 18th, 2010.

Mini Me, My Love, My Lover, My Robey

What a sweet picture of Robey and Grandma Kestner. 

Robel's missionaries. What special young men, and exactly what Robel needed.

The whole fam damily!

Proud parents of their sweet, sweet boy!

The colorful Grove Family. We needed some!

I still don't know how Grandpa Grove sat criss cross apple sauce for this picture. :)

1 comment:

Janice said...

great pictures! I didn't even know that had happened;( glad you caught it on film (digital)
